Web sites mentioned in the seminar conducted
by Graham Jaunay
Researching your Welsh ancestors
BMD Certificates from the General Register Office
Accessing the BMD Indexes via Free BMD: freebmd.rootsweb.com
Accessing the BMD Indexes via Find My Past: findmypast.com
Accessing the BMD Indexes via The Genealogist:
Accessing the BMD Indexes via Ancestry.com: ancestry.co.uk
Accessing the BMD Indexes via Genes Reunited: genesreunited.co.uk
Ordering cerificates online: gro.gov.uk/gro/content/certificates
Downloading a mail order form: gro.gov.uk/gro/content/order_certificates/obtain_certificates/how--to--apply--and--pay.asp
Parish Registers, parish chest material and
Bishops' records
The National Library of Wales: www.llgc.org.uk
Access to Archives:a2a.org.uk
The National Archive Catalogue: nationalarchives.gov.uk/catalogue
Powys Digital History Project: history.powys.org.uk
LDS Church film library: familysearch.org
Hugh Wallis’ website for locating LDS batch numbers:
Locating CROs and their services: oz.net/~markhow/welshros.htm
Wills and Probate
The Probate Service home page: hmcourts-service.gov.uk/infoabout/civil/probate/index.htm
Application form for a post 1857 Will: hmcourts-service.gov.uk/HMCSCourtFinder/GetFormsCat.do?court_forms_category=Probate
Census returns (you select the provider
that provides the level of service you want)
Search indexes and view the enumerator's sheet at The
Genealogist: thegenealogist.co.uk
Search indexes and view the enumerator's sheet at www.RootsUK.com:
(aka The Genealogist)
Search indexes and view the enumerator's sheet at Ancestry.com:
Search indexes and view the enumerator's sheet at Genes
Reunited: genesreunited.co.uk
Search indexes at Family Search: familysearch.org
(1881 only)
Search indexes and view the enumerator's sheet at Find
My Past: findmypast.com
(not 1851; 1901)
Search indexes and view the enumerator's sheet at British
Origins: originsnetwork.com
(1841; 1861; 1871 only)
Search indexes and view the enumerator's sheet at TNA:
(1901 only)
Search indexes at FreeCen Project: freecen.rootsweb.com
(free: partial records only– check coverage before
Current newspapers can be found: onlinenewspapers.com/wales.htm
The London Gazette inc Boer War, WWI & WW2
material: gazettes-online.co.uk/home.aspx?geotype=London
Leicester University's Digital Library of Historical Directories:
General help with Welsh research
UK & Ireland Genealogy Welsh pages: genuki.org.uk/big/wal
Vision of Britain 1800–2001 including maps,
statistical trends and historical descriptions: www.visionofbritain.org.uk/index.jsp
Translating Eglish to Welsh/Welsh to English: www.cs.cf.ac.uk/fun/welsh/LexiconForms.html;
Basic lessons in Welsh: www.cs.cf.ac.uk/fun/welsh/LexiconForms.html
Family History Societies: www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~wlsafhs/index.htm
Welsh online surname lists: www.list.jaunay.com/wlsnames
researchers: www.agra.org.uk
These links were correct as at 19 Apr 2008. If one
of these links does not work please advise and it will be
corrected promptly.