Research enquiry

If you would like more information about our services please select the appropriate sections in the form below, complete and submit. There is no obligation on your part.

In the query details field give an idea of the starting information you could provide and what you want to find out. We can then tell you how likely it is that records can be located for you.

Alternatively you can email a query about our services and we will reply. Please try and give enough information to allow us to give an accurate answer.

Our response will include an estimated cost to undertake the project. Expect a response within the week. If this is not forthcoming please contact us again.

Contact Details
Name: Street:
Town: Postcode:
Country: Email:
Select research region:
Name person and/or family
being researched:
Explain precisely what you want
to find out or locate:
Outline what you already know:
List sources already consulted:
Have you previously
corresponded with Adelaide Proformat:
YES:   NO:
If you wish to print and post a research query, please complete and then print this form Click to print this form
Enclose a SSAE or IRC for the reply if sending the request by mail or provide an email contact.


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