Lonely grave notification

Please give as full details as possible for the lonely grave/s. If you know nothing other than the location please complete sections 1 and 4 only:

1. Location. Nearest town, railway siding or station homestead:
Distance in kilometres from this place: Approximate direction from the above place:

Give specific location: Hundred of Section no

Describe precise location [eg 100 metres from road intersection 10 m into field]

2. Details about the persons buried

First person: Full name: (If name not known enter Unknown)
Person buried alone?
Buried with:

Date of death: Cause of death: Age at death:

Any other information known:

Second person: Full name:
Person buried alone?
Buried with:

Date of death: Cause of death: Age at death:

Any other information known:

Third person: Full name:
Person buried alone?
Buried with:

Date of death: Cause of death: Age at

Any other information known:

3. Grave details
If a headstones exists please record the wording. Please record the text as it appears on the stone line by line. Use _ for illegible text [eg 2_ March]
Record other grave furniture present: [eg iron railing, stone outline, wooden rails etc.
Any photographs or good quality photocopies of photographs would be most welcome.
o Photograph/s available on request
o Photograph/s posted, please return after copying. (please pack to prevent damage.
o Photograph/s posted, please keep.
If you have a scanner you can send photos as an email attachment. Please advise first.
o Photograph/s available

4. Your contact details
Your name:

Address: (Optional)



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